M2M Transport Solutions

Transport Machine to Machine (M2M) Solutions

Let us help you find rugged, easy-to-deploy M2M wireless communication solutions for your transportation system.

M2M for Transport Systems

The automotive industry has developed faster than any other with regards to applications using M2M and IoT. There are many reasons for this growth, not least newly emerged business car sharing models, but also the push to increase efficiencies.

Inefficient transport systems are an increasing cost to society and can negatively impact the environment. The best way to control and monitor and reduce negative impact is to use automated M2M systems.

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M2M for Traffic Management

Public Transport – M2M capabilities ensure that passengers can access exact and timely information on transport availability, conditions, accidents etc. It offers high speed wireless internet access for all passengers plus more efficient operations and reduced commuting time.

Intelligent Traffic Management – access exact and timely information to control traffic, manage incidents and minimise congestion.

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M2M for Fleets

Tollgate Management – Enable simple and speedy payment for drivers to pass through tollgates without stopping.

Fleet Management – The basic capability is to monitor your workforce and fleet locations in real time. They are aimed at optimising the performance of the vehicle and the driver by monitoring location to temperatures, weight, fuel consumption and more. M2M solutions help to limit risk and reduce cost plus provide reporting for increasing regulatory landscapes.

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M2M for Freight Management

Freight management – When monitoring freight monitoring, M2M capabilities or telematics can provide data on location of stock, temperature etc. to ensure that assets are secure.

Logging of information from freight shipping can support regulatory reports along with reducing the damage to goods during shipment.

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M2M Installation

Powertec understand that you want experts, great service and a competitive price.

We offer the world’s leading carrier grade products and if needed you will have direct access to our experienced M2M specialists all around Australia who can advise you and assist with installation.

Our M2M expert installers around Australia will work with you to ensure minimal disruption to your business.

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Contact us today

Powertec has 25 years expertise in consulting and management in transport and outdoor building wireless connectivity solutions.

Call our expert team today on 1300 471 781 to discuss your requirements.

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Improve your Connectivity - Contact us now

Consistent mobile phone connectivity and reliable wireless access are critical to operating an efficient business.

Working indoors or outdoors with mobile phones and tablets when testing, measuring and monitoring processes in rural areas, in factories, in hospitals or on education campuses is a necessity.

With over 25 years of expertise in connectivity solutions, across cellular, wireless and Internet of Everything, we are here to help.

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